parents and caregivers

We invite you to observe classes from lobby. But, please do not disrupt a class by opening the door and giving instruction to your child during the class time, or by knocking on the viewing windows to get your child’s attention. If a teacher finds it necessary to remove your dancer, he/she will do so. Parents will also be invited on occasion to preview a new dance or sit in class as the ‘audience’. Blinds may be closed due to lobby commotion/noise. Students need to stay focused on class instruction. Please keep noise levels down in the lobby and use cell phones outside.


Sometimes it is necessary to “audition” a student in several different levels or styles of classes before we find the right fit. Students should not feel discouraged or uncomfortable when they have only tried out one class. It may take a few classes to determine a student’s proper level. It is important to work with the Faculty so that we can all achieve the highest & best for your dancer.


Please be courteous by NOT allowing young siblings to run around or clutter the lobby or hall areas with toys, which can create an unsafe walkway for clientele and staff. Siblings should be in your possession at all times. And ALWAYS accompany your children to the bathrooms and drinking fountain.


If there is any problem or concern regarding classes, we encourage you to notify our office immediately so that we have the opportunity to rectify any concerns/issues.


Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It’s the rhythm of
your life. It’s the expression in time
and movement, in happiness, joy,
sadness and envy.

-Jacques d’Amboise, American ballet dancer
and choreographer